The ocean plays a huge part in our lives here in Ventura County and around the world. We must do as much as we can to take care of it and our sandy shores as possible. One way you can help is by joining the Ventura County Coastal Cleanup this month.

What: Ventura County Coastal Cleanup 2024
Where: Ventura County Beaches
When: Saturday, September 21st from 9 am to 12 pm
Contact: Heidi Ortloff at Ventura County Resource Conservation District (805) 399-2721 or via email Heidi.
Ventura County Coastal Cleanup 2024
If you want to help keep our beaches clean, please visit the VCRCD website to find a beach cleanup location. No pre-registration required. But you will need to sign a waiver ahead of time. Then, simply show up at 9 am on Saturday. Make sure you bring gloves and a bucket with you to pick up and dispose of any refuse you find. And, for your health, make sure you wear a hat and put on sunscreen before spending all day outside. Also, bring a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated while you work.
Port Hueneme Banana Festival
Another fun, family-friendly event planned for September in Ventura County is the Port Hueneme Banana Festival. It takes place the following Saturday (September 28th) from 10 am to 5 pm at 105 Port Hueneme Rd. The event comes free of charge. So does the parking. Organizers scheduled a free tour of the port every hour by land and sea. Listen to bands perform live all day. Visit the unique boutiques at All Ports Marketplace. Then, keep your strength up by enjoying some great food (sushi wraps, sandwiches, ice cream, funnel cake, and more). They even provide a special Kids Zone to keep the little ones entertained. Again, this comes all free of charge. So, you don’t want to miss a moment.
Dave & Pat Zumbrun, your Ventura County real estate specialists