Are you an ultramarathoner or someone just starting out? The Ventura Seaside Marathon 2023 offers something for all levels of experience and more. Running provides an outlet for exercise with a reasonable cost to perform. No gym membership needed. Just a pair of shoes and a desire to hit the road.

What: Ventura Seaside Marathon 2023
Where: Emma Wood Group Campground (800 W Main St, Ventura)
When: Sunday, February 12th, 7 am
Admission: $55 to $140 (free for spectators)
Ventura Seaside Marathon 2023
Not a huge runner? That’s OK. The marathon portion of the day is only one of the four different “races’ you can sign up for. Try a half marathon (13.1 miles). Or sign up for either the 5K (3.1 miles) or 10K (6.2 miles) run. For the 5K and 10K courses, feel free to walk, saunter, or skip if you prefer. How you get to the end does not matter. Just get there.
All registered participants receive a free drink (beer for the 21+ crowd if you want) and plate of tacos after finishing your race. And, after they finish cheering you on, your friends and family can join you for drinks and tacos after the race as well. However, they pay $5 per plate and $5 per beer (again, must be 21 years of age or older with a valid photo ID to purchase/drink alcohol).
Race Day Info
Marathoners start their race first (at 7 am). Half-marathoners begin at 7:15 am. Finally, the 5K and 10K participants start at 7:30 am. The primarily flat course runs along the beautiful Pacific Ocean. For marathoners, this race is considered a BQ (Boston Qualifier).
Organizers changed from disposable cups to reusable cups this year. Either bring your own from home or purchase at Emma Wood Campground if you wish for just $2. Or pick one up for $2 when you pick up your packet before race day.
Masks are not required for this event. However, if you feel better wearing one, go right ahead. Whatever makes you the most comfortable is perfectly fine. Organizers plan on setting up hand sanitizing stations around the expo area as well.
Registration Info
Registration for the Ventura Seaside Marathon 2023 costs $55 per person for the 5K, $75 for the 10K, $110 for the half-marathon, and $140 for the full marathon. Organizers also need volunteers to help set up, tear down, and man the water stations at the marathon. To register for the race of volunteer your time, visit the marathon website here.
Dave & Pat Zumbrun, your Ventura County real estate specialists