We hope everyone enjoyed their Easter holiday. Now that Easter is over, it’s time to focus on our planet. April 22nd is officially Earth Day. But Ventura Harbor Village wants to celebrate early. After all, every day should be Earth Day, right? If you wish to make a difference and help our make our planet a little cleaner, come out to Ventura Earth Day Community Clean Up 2023 this Friday.

What: Ventura Earth Day Community Clean Up 2023
Where: Ventura Harbor Village
When: Friday, April 21st, 3 pm to 4:30 pm
Contact: Ventura Harbor Village (805) 477-0470
Ventura Earth Day Community Clean Up 2023
To think globally, we must act locally. That means taking care of our community as much as possible. You can help your child become more eco-friendly by teaching them to be mindful of their surroundings. Ventura Harbor Village hosts their annual Ventura Earth Day Community Clean Up from 3 pm to 4:30 pm this Friday, April 21st. All you need to do is show up and pick up. Organizers provide gloves and buckets for the kids. Once your bucket fills ups, bring it to the Earth Day booth. In exchange, your little one receives a fun ocean-inspired prize. The first 100 kids to volunteer receive an extra-special treat: a coupon for a free kids cone at the Village’s very own Coastal Cone. Just an extra incentive to get to the Harbor early. Plus, bring your own reusable water bottle from home and receive a fun sticker, too. Even the smallest things help make our planet a little better. And if we all do our part, what a big difference we will see.
Tax Deadline for Filing 2022 Tax Return
Finally, a quick reminder. Since April 15th fell on a Saturday this year, the IRS pushes the filing deadline to the next weekday. However, that happens to be Emancipation Day, a Washington DC holiday. Therefore, the deadline to file your return for your 2022 income taxes is officially by the end of day on April 18th, 2023. That’s tomorrow. But if you happened to procrastinate and need a little extra time, you may file an extension by submitting Form 4868. This allows you six months (by October 16th, 2023) to complete your return.
Dave & Pat Zumbrun, your Ventura County real estate specialists